<button type="button" onclick="handleDelegate()">
function handleDelegate() {
var pool_id = '<POOL_ID>'
var blockfrost_project_id = '<BLOCKFROST_PROJECT_ID>'
var link = 'https://armada-alliance.com/delegation-widget?pool_id=' + pool_id + '&blockfrost_project_id=' + blockfrost_project_id
var width = 600
var height = Math.min(800, parseInt(window.outerHeight, 10))
var left = (parseInt(window.outerWidth, 10) / 2) - (width / 2)
var top = (parseInt(window.outerHeight, 10) - height) / 2
window.open(link, 'Delegate', 'width=' + width + ',height=' + height + ',toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0,status=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,left=' + left + ',top=' + top);
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