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ergo {
node {
mining = false
extraIndex = false

## for light weight nipopow node using just block headers for state
## uncomment the below stateType, blocksToKeep (for last 3 days), and nipopowBootstrap
stateType = "digest"
blocksToKeep = 1440

utxo {
# Download and apply UTxO set snapshot and full-blocks after that
utxoBootstrap = true

# How many utxo set snapshots to store, 0 means that they are not stored at all
storingUtxoSnapshots = 2

# How many utxo set snapshots for a height with the same id we need to find in p2p network
# in order to start downloading it
p2pUtxoSnapshots = 2
# Settings releated to headers-chain bootstrapping via NiPoPows
nipopow {
# Download PoPoW proof on node utxoBootstrap
nipopowBootstrap = true

#how many different proofs we are downloading from other peers
# and compare with each other, before choosing the best one
p2pNipopows = 2
scorex {
restApi {
# node which exposes restApi in firewall should define publicly accessible URL of it
# you will need to enable port forwarding from logging into your router for 9053
# publicUrl = ""
# apiKeyHash = "CHANGE_ME_HASH"
network {
# For below declared address do not include "http://"!
# you will need to enable port forwarding from logging into your router for 9030
# declaredAddress = ""
# nodeName = "my-ergo-node"