📄️ Tutorial: Running an Ergo Full Node on a Headless Raspberry Pi
A tutorial on how to setup and run an Ergo Full Node on a Headless Raspberry Pi.
📄️ Part 1: Getting your Raspberry Pi (rpi) Setup
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📄️ Part 2: Ergo Full Node Setup
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📄️ Part 3: Run the Node in the Background as a tmux Session
I eventually encountered the problem everytime my computer went to sleep, say on the macbook laptop, the terminal ssh session would break and the node would not run and sync in the background.
📄️ Part 4: Robust Run Node in Pi Background Systemd (in-work)
Run on Reboot & in the Background
📄️ Part 5: Satergo Full Node Wallet Setup
This tutorial steps thru setting up your rpi full node as a "remote node for the awesome open source full node wallet Satergo. Also, steps to get your node reflected in ergonodes.net.