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Logging in Securely


It is assumed that you are using a Linux or Mac operating system with native support for ssh as your local machine. Or, if using Windows have a tool set that will work with this guide. Perhaps now is the time to switch to Linux and not look back.

Create a new ssh key pair

Open a terminal on the machine you want to remote in from(local machine), your laptop or workstation for example.

Create a new password protected ED25519 key pair on your local machine. Give the key a unique name and password protect it when prompted.

>_ Terminal
ssh-keygen -a 64 -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/<unique_keyname>

-a rounds When saving a private key, this option specifies the number of KDF (key derivation function, currently bcrypt_pbkdf(3)) rounds used.

Higher numbers result in slower passphrase verification and increased resistance to brute-force password cracking (should the keys be stolen). The default is 16 rounds.

Your new key pair will be located in ~/.ssh

>_ Terminal
cd $HOME/.ssh
ls -al

Boot your Pi & login

Plug in a network cable connected to your router and boot your new image.

Login credentials

🌟 Default Pi-Node Credentials🦍 Default Ubuntu Credentials🍓 Default Raspbian Credentials
username = adausername = ubuntuusername = pi
password = lovelacepassword = ubuntupassword = raspberry

The Pi-Node & Ubuntu images will prompt you to change your password & login with new credentials.

Obtain IPv4 address

Either log into your router and locate the address assigned by it's dhcp server or connect a monitor. Write the Pi's IPv4 address down.

>_ Terminal
hostname -I | cut -f1 -d' '

Copy ssh pub key to new server

Add your newly created public key to the Pi's authorized_keys file using ssh-copy-id. This will allow you to login remotely without a password.


Pressing the tab key is an auto complete feature in terminal.

Getting into the habit of constantly hitting tab will speed things up, give insight into options available and prevent typos. In this case ssh-copy-id will give you a list of available public keys if you hit tab a couple times after using the -i switch. Start typing the name of your key and hit tab to auto complete the name of your ed25519 public key.

Enter the default password associated with your img.gz.

>_ Terminal
  ssh-copy-id -i <> ada@<server-ip>

ssh should return 1 key added and suggest a command for you to try logging into your new server.

Number of key(s) added: 1

Log into your server with ssh

Now try logging into the machine, with:

>_ Terminal
  ssh ada@<server-ip>

Run the suggestion and you should be greeted with your remote shell. Congratulations! 🥳